
Michael Belzer


A longtime resident and business owner in Glendale, President Mike brings several decades of experience in Japanese culture and community engagement to the Friends of Shoseian. A master and Sensei of multiple disciplines of martial arts, Mike has an 8th dan in Shindo Muso Ryu Jojutsu. President Mike has spearheaded many exciting endeavors for the FOS and has established relationships locally and abroad with individuals and organizations that support the education and preservation of Japanese culture in America.


Keiko Nakada

executive director


Scott Drumheller



Meredith Gold



Julie Bagish

board member | past-president & co-founder


Ginna Claire Nguyen

director of renovations


Martin Bagish

Board member


Jeremy Fields

board member


Former Board Members & Volunteers

the friends of shoseian is a volunteer-only organization. Our deepest gratitude to those who help set-up the events, serve our community and make shoseian the wonderful place it is.

Volunteers: Chris Peplow, Hoover High Key Club, Thomas Rodriguez, Akemi Drumheller, Sadie Chen, Steve Wong, Allison Alford, Michelle Carriger, Rebecca Corbett, Meredith Overcash, Coleman Richardson, Kathleen Jacobsen, Miles Bothwell, Miyuki Koga, Damian Pytlik

Former Board Members: Susan Becker, Susan Rogers